Surabaya, February 14, 2025- The inauguration of the Student Organization of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya or often known as Ormawa was successfully held at the Auditorium Building of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This event was attended by all students of the faculty who are members of various organizations, including the Student Executive Body (DEMA), the Student Senate (SEMA), student associations, and student activity units.   The dean of faculty,  Prof. Dr. Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, M.Ag also attended along with the heads of each department and also the heads of each study program within the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training.

This event was held at 8 AM, with the Ormawa Inauguration Committee opening the gates and welcoming participants,who entered in an orderly line and were required to sign the attendance list. After entering the Inauguration area, Ormawa Participants were invited to sit according to the place that had been directed by the committee, such as the ranks of DEMA, SEMA, BPH HIMAPRODI, and BPH UKM was sitting in the first floor that had been provided. The other HIMPARODI members sat on the second floor according to the directions of the committee that had been provided.

This event was hosted by the MC from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Class of 2024, Susanti and Ahmad Husein. After the opening and also reading the holy verses of the Qur'an, it was continued by singing the song Indonesia Raya and the UINSA march. After that, there was a short speech from the chairman of the Ormawa Inauguration Committee, Ahmad Roihan Al Farizi. Continued with a speech by the Vice Dean III, Prof. Dr. Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, M.Ag read the decree of the Ormawa 2025-2026 management and also the inauguration of the management with the reading of the oath which was still led by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. This event was also enlivened by regional dances performed by students of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training.

Then the event continued with remarks from the chairman of DEMA Muhammad Wildan Firdaus and the chairman of SEMA Fahruddin Yusuf. Not to forget, the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Prof. Dr. Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, M.A.G also gave messages to the 2025-2026 Ormawa administrators to be able to take responsibility properly and not to forget to also carry out the lectures properly even though we join an organization. As the chairman of sema said "joining an organization is like worship" so any activity that is positive and we are ready to be responsible is a good thing. The next agenda was the reading of the UKM Decree and the inauguration procession of UKM and also the handover of the new position to the Head of HMP 2023-2024 to 2024-2025. This event lasted until 11.50 WIB, then a break was taken for Friday prayers and lunch continued at 12.45 WIB.

The last agenda was a work meeting, which is usually called a rapat kerja. So after the break, the Ormawa inauguration committee helped direct each study program HMP to go to class and discuss their respective work meetings. Each DEMA and SEMA came to class to supervise the results of each HMP's work meeting. lasted until 13.15. After that returned to the Auditorium to ratify and sign the HMP work meeting letter to the DEMA and SEMA heads. At the end of the event, there was a group photo session to take documentations.

Writing Web - Research Division, HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA 2025
Author: VR

Editor: IT Division / ZR


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