English Language Education Study Program Student Conference (MUSMAPRO PBI): Towards the Management of the Student Association (HIMA) for the 2025/2026 Period

The English Language Education Study Program Student Association (HIMA PBI) successfully held the Student Conference (MUSMAPRO) as an annual routine agenda to discuss accountability reports, prepare work programs, and elect new management of the Student Association (HIMA). This event was held with a sense of democracy and togetherness, marking a new beginning for the 2025/2026 HIMA leadership period.

The MUSMAPRO event took place on the 4th floor of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTK), Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. It was attended by active English Education students, supervising lecturers, and representatives of other student organizations. The series of activities began with an official opening by Farid Ubaidilah as the vice chairman of the student association who emphasized the importance of organizational regeneration as a step towards developing study programs. 

Furthermore, the activity continued with the accountability report of the HIMA management for the 2024/2025 period. In this session, each division explained the achievements and challenges during the management for one period. An interactive discussion also took place, reflecting students' concern for the sustainability of the organization.

The peak momentum of MUSMAPRO is the election of the new HIMA chairman and vice chairman. After going through the process of presenting the vision and mission by the candidates, as well as a question and answer session from the participants, finally the students agreed to elect Zakky as the head and Hanna as vice of English Language Education Department Students Association (HIMA PBI) for the 2025/2026 period. In his short speech, Zakky expressed his gratitude and hopes to bring HIMA in a more progressive and inclusive direction. Meanwhile, Hanna as the elected vice chair added that synergy and togetherness will be the key to the success of this new management.

The event was closed with  prayer and a photo session of the new management as a symbol of the beginning of a new era for HIMA PBI. With the leadership of Zakky and Hanna, it is hoped that this organization can continue to grow and become an inspiring forum for English Language Education students. Congratulations to new management of HIMA English Language Education Study Program for the 2025/2026 period! May they be successful in carrying out their mandate and bringing positive innovation to all students.

Writing Web - Research Division, HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA 2024
Author: Fad

Editor: IT Division/Rm & Hgy


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