The 19th Anniversary of English Language Education Department: Welcoming the Anniversary of English Language Education Department in Ramadhan

On Monday, March 18, 2024 was a very special day for the English Education Study Program (PBI), Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher (FTK) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Because on that day, PBI Study Program commemorated its 19th anniversary. Therefore, one of the division programs of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA, namely Public Relations, held an event namely Takjil on the Road, Tabligh Akbar, and Dies Natalis which was held at the Assalafiyah Orphanage. This event was not only intended to commemorate the anniversary of PBI, but we also breaking the fast together with orphanage children, Community of English Department Alumny (CEDA) UINSA and PBI lecturers. In addition, this event also held competition activities that must be followed by English Language Education Department (ELED) students in the form of poetry writing and vlog (30s). This event involved 62 members from HIMAPRODI by delegating several people from each division, including 6 people from...