Starting New Responsibilities through the Inauguration of the 2024 Ormawa General Assembly


    Surabaya, 16 February 2024 - The Inauguration of Student Organisations & Stadium General of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya or better known as Ormawa has been successfully held. The event, which was attended by at least 13 Ormawa, ranging from student senates, student executive boards, student associations, to faculty student organisations, has run smoothly in the Auditorium Building of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. In addition, this event was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Thohir, M.Ag along with the heads of departments and heads of study programmes of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

     At 08.00 WIB, the Ormawa Inauguration committee opened the gate for the inauguration participants. The participants entered by forming a long queue and were allowed to fill in the attendance list first. The Ormawa administrators were invited to sit according to the place that had been prepared before.

    The event was hosted by MCs from the 2023 Faculty of Education and Teacher Training students, Eferadina Salsabila and Agus Imaduddin. After the opening and also singing the Uinsa march, the event continued with the agenda of reading the decision letter of the 2024-2025 Ormawa management and also the inauguration of the management with the reading of the oath led directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. The event was also enlivened by a traditional dance performance performed by three students from the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

    Then the event continued with remarks from the chief executive of the Inauguration of Ormawa, Faris, as well as the chairmen of DEMA and SEMA FTK, Randah Naufal and Ahmad Fadhullah. Not to forget, the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Prof. Thohir also gave his speech and gave messages to the 2024-2025 Ormawa administrators so that they could carry out their responsibilities well and continue to run the study well too.

    The next agenda was the inauguration of the 2024-2025 faculty student organisations management by the chairman of SEMA Faculty of Tarbiyah, Ahmad Fadhullah. This event lasted until 11.45 WIB, then a break was held to perform Friday Prayers and resumed at 13.00 WIB.

     The last agenda of the Ormawa Inauguration and Stadium General event was the delivery of material from alumni of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Zein Auliaurrahman, S.Pd. with Syifaurrohmah, S.Pd. as moderator. The material presented was in accordance with the theme of the event, namely "Adarma Andum Arcapada" Manifestation of Leadership in Affirming the Spirit of Organisation. He talked a lot about his experiences in joining organisations during his college days. In addition, he also conveyed tips so that studies and organisations can be done together without disturbing one of them.

Writing Web - Research Division, HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA 2024
Author: Am
Editor: IT Division/Rm & Pm


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