Charity is a type of community service program organized by the Public Relations Division of Himaprodi PBI on August 7th–10th, 2023 in Kalialo Hamlet, Kupang Village, Jabon District, Sidoarjo Regency. This service program is led by Oky Agus Sarvita. It focuses on education in the form of teaching the students at SDN Kupang 4, Jabon, to train and develop their English language skills. The charity activity began with an opening by the head of the community, namely Mrs. Kumairoh and also TPQ's teacher, namely Mrs. Masitoh, which was led by the MC, namely M. Farid Ubaidillah. Then, it continued with tidying up the TPQ area and a briefing for the next day's event. On Tuesday, August 8th, 2023, at 10 a.m., teaching and learning activities were carried out, which began with the introduction of each teacher and followed by singing a song before praying. Next, the teacher gave material in the form of vocabulary for animals around Kalialo hamlet to memori...