English Language Education Department of UINSA Collaborated with HIMAPRODI PBI and CEDA to Held Awards and Seminar

To commemorate the 18th Anniversary of the English Language Education Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, the Study Program of English Language Education Department collaborated with HIMAPRODI PBI and CEDA (Community of English Department Alumni) to hold a celebration with various activities on Friday (17/3). Starting with the colossal gymnastics in front of the UINSA’s auditorium led by HIMAPRODI PBI members. All participants were encouraged to boost their spirits in the morning. The event continued with the registration of invited guests and participants which were also attended by study program leaders, departments, and faculties and accompanied with traditional dance from HIMAPRODI PBI along the way to go into the auditorium. Afterward, the event was opened with some opening remarks by Ms. Rakhmawati, M.Pd as the Chair of English Education ...