Hello everyone! How are you? This is November! Do you know what program HimaProdi PBI has this month? That' s right! HimaProdi PBI ha s held a very special event on the 6th, 7th and 13th of November. It i s EAGER 2021. What is EAGER? EAGER 2021 which stands for English Academician Gathering 2021 is one of the agendas of Student Association of English Language Education Department (HIMAPRODI PBI) in order to welcome the arrival of freshmen at PBI UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya 2021. This activity functions as a crossing bridge to an academic climate and has a strategic function in introducing, familiarizing, and cultivating a sense of sensitivity of new students to their new environment. EAGER 2021 was held under the theme “Embracing Solidarity, Increasing Creativity for the Better Alterations". Generally, EAGER is held offline every year. However, eager has been carried out online through Zoom Meeting this year due to the corona...