JEC 2021

JEC 2021 IS BACK Hello Fellas, do you miss the biggest event of JEC? Yap, JEC will be back this year. JEC (Java English Competition) is one of the biggest events held by students English Language Education Department at Islamic State University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. JEC 2021 is back in a different way from previous years, which is definitely more interesting and spectacular. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, JEC 2021 will be held online. But, don’t worry!! It will be a fantastic event. How’s the competition? Let’s check it out! As usual, there are 4 competitions held in JEC 2021, namely English Olympiad, Story Telling, Speech Contest, and Essay. Each round of competition will be carried out in a different way. Are you curious about each competition? Stay tuned on the web and Instagram HIMAPRODI PBI. The first competition is English Olympiad for Junior High School and Senior High School. There are 3 rounds of this competition: qualification, semifinal, and final. If you are i...