
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2020

International Virtual Seminar

       Hi! It’s been a while since you read the article about event from our department right? Did you know that our department held an extraordinary event? Last week, we held the first International virtual seminar on October 17, 2020, through Zoom Meeting after rescheduling so many times because of the pandemic situation. The International Webinar event was conducted by the public relation division of the Students Association of English Language Education Department. The International webinar brings the theme Boosting Up Self-Confidence with Public Speaking Skill to Elevate Good Public Relations in 4.0 Era, which have purposes in promote and introduce public speaking and also to raise public awareness of many of the importance of public speaking. This event run well and was attended by over 200 participants, including ELED students and students from other universities from different institutions.      Three speakers who were very professional in th...

Writing Contest 2020

📝📝 WRITING CONTEST 📝📝 Hollaaa Yorobun 👋👋 Kalian punya bakat nulis atau desain, tapi bingung cara ngembanginnya? Jangan Khawatir!  Devisi Research Himaprodi PBI UINSA mengadakan kompetisi yang worth it banget loh 🤩🤩 Kalian bisa mengembangkan bakat sekaligus menambah pengalaman di sini... 😍😍😍 Ada 4 macam lomba yg bisa kalian ikuti: 📋 Cerpen (maks 250 kata) 📖 Puisi 📰 Comic 📓 Desain cover majalah Don't waste your time! Go register yourself!! Walau pandemi, bakat juga ga boleh mati 😉 Kapan sih?   📆 Pendaftaran dan Pengumpulan Karya : 5-28 Oktober 2020 . What will you get? Pemenang di setiap lomba akan mendapatkan:  ✨ Uang tunai ✨E- Sertifikat ✨Karya akan di publish di REDZONE (Research Division Magazine of ELED's student) 🤩🤩 Untuk lebih jelasnya, cek mekanisme di bawah ini yaaa ⬇️ Contact Person: ☎️ Cahyo: 085649406297  ☎️ Prem: 081233691710 link pendaftaran :