JEC 2020 Is Back

     JEC (Java English Competition) is the biggest event held by college students English Language Education Department at State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This competition aims to develop the potential of junior high school, senior high school students, and university students, especially in terms of communication. The competition is attended by participants from various cities in Java.

   Since the number of participants of this competition have increased, the jec commitee, the JEC committee has prepared several rayons scattered in 13 cities on the island of Java which will be a registration place of the participants. 13 cities that will become rayon are Surabaya, Lamongan, Mojokerto, Bojonegoro, Madiun, Kediri, Malang, Jember, Pasuruan, Bangkalan, Jakarta, Solo, and Bandung.

    This competition has 4 types of competitions, namely English Olympiad, Story telling, Speech Contest, and Essay Competition. The first competition is the English Olympiad. This competition is intended for junior and senior high school students. In the English Olympiad competition, it consists of 3 rounds, qualification, semifinal, and final round. The participants selected in the qualification round will continue in the semifinal round which will be held at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

     The second competition is Storytelling. This competition is also intended for junior high school students. Storytelling competition, consists of 2 rounds, the preliminary round and the final round. The participants will tell some stories that is according to a predetermined theme. 

     The third competition is Speech Contest. This competition is intended for senior high school students. Speech Contest competition, also consist of 2 rounds, the preliminary round and the final round. The participants will speech in accordance with the themes that have been determined.

   The last competition is the essay. This competition is intended for college students throughout Java. This Essay competition consists of 3 rounds, the qualifying, semifinal, and final rounds. In this competition, participants who get the best score will present the results of the essays in the semifinals and finals. For the semifinal and final competitions English Olympiad, Story Telling, Speech Contest, and Essay, will be held at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

     JEC 2020 is back. Get ready to participate in this prestigious event. Come along and realize your dream to win the competition in Java. For those of you who want to participate in this competition, registration has been opened. Register immediately and look forward to JEC 2020.


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