
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2018

Info Beasiswa Primagama JEC 2018

Hai little fighter!  Gimana sih cara dapetin beasiswa dari PRIMAGAMA setelah ikut JEC 2018? Informasi bisa di download di bawah ini yaaa.... INFORMASI BEASISWA PRIMAGAMA JEC 2018
SEMINAR FROM STUDENT’S ASSOCIATION OF ETED Entrepreneurship Seminar by Public Relation Devision M ini S eminar by Re s earch Division April is an amazing month because there are significant events of this month that he ld by student’s association of ETED. The first one is Entrepreneurship Seminar by Public Relation Division on April 19th 2018 . The theme of the seminar is "Break Your Hesitation to Young Entrepreneur” Which is held in SAC Building on 3rd floor . Entrepreneur Seminar has been attended by reliable speakers Lukman  Sugiharto Wijaya M. Si, Nanang Abdul Hamid, Heri Julianto as the speakers which are expert and competent in entrepreneurship . In this nice occasion they discussed something related t o entrepreneurship, how to face the problem in business and give a motivation about having a business in young age . The Second seminar is M ini S eminar by Re s earch Division, on April 24 th 2018 . The theme of the seminar is “Preparation for ...
VISITATION; Students Assoc i ation of English Teacher Education Department UINSA Goes to Association of English Language Education Students University of Brawijaya At Saturday, 24 th of March 2018, all members of Student Association of English Teacher Education Department have been visited English Language Education University of Brawijaya   Malang, to establish relationship and share organizational knowledge. This event opened by delivering speech the chief of Association of English Language Education Students, named Amin. It was attended by members of Students Assocoation of English Teacher Education Department UINSA and Association of English Language Education Students University of Brawijaya, moreover some lecturer s from English Language Education University of Brawijaya and some demisioner from ETED UINSA. The delegations from both student associations presented their each work program and share ...
BREAKFASTING TOGETHER AND TA'JIL ON THE ROAD Big Family of English Teacher Education Department Ramadhan Kareem. At Friday, 25th of May 2018, Students Association of English Teacher Education Department has been held share takjil and break-fasting together with big family of English Teacher Education Department. This event opened by reciting istighosah together then followed by delivering kultum from Mr. Munawir as the third Vice Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty. It was attended by the whole big family of ETED including lecturers, head of the study program, head of Department also the alumni. All present seemed to enjoy togetherness in this event. For alumni, they also make this event as a meet and greet session after a long time period. There were also performances by Banjari Group as pre-agenda and take a picture together as a closing part. Alhamdulillah, the event runs smoothly and hopefully for the next year this annual routine will continue to run in order...
THE INAUGURATION OF STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OF ENGLISH AND ARABIC TEACHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2018-2019 Strengthening the Harmonious in Uniting Diversity of Language At Friday, 2nd of March 2018, all members of Students Association of English and Arabic Teacher Education Department have been inaugurated to carry out the obligation as a part of these organizations. These event opened by delivering speech from the leader of committee. It was attended by Members of Students Association of English and Arabic Teacher Education Department 2017-2018, Academician of the Language Course such as Mrs. Irma Soraya, Mrs. Rizka Safriyani, Mrs. Ainun Syarifah, and other lecturers. All students association 2018 was legitimated by Mr. Munawir as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty. Both students association pledged their commitments and responsibilities for a year. Further, the ceremony also lined up with speeches by the honorable audiences. There were also performances by USB Music a...